The Winter Blues may be hitting many of us these last few months. You may be feeling under the weather, lethargic, tired and maybe downright lazy at times and not very social. What is behind this Winter Blues that most of us experience right after the holidays and in the beginning of the year and how to combat it head on. When the season changes, it is colder outside and there is less sunlight exposure throughout the day, we may experience some form of loss of motivation and have noticed we are not quite ourselves. Much of the causes remains unknown, but factors such as less sunlight can reduce Serotonin levels in our brain- “Mayo Clinic” (“known as the happy hormone) which may make us more prone to a lower level of energy and motivation level. The first thing to do is to get some regular exercise or body movement going. Next is to fill your body with natural sources of Serotonin such as eggs, cheese, nuts and seeds -”Healthline”. A big factor that will help restore your body and mind to a an optimal level is by doing a little inner “Reflection” and outward “Gratitude” giving. Find a quiet spot or time in your day where you can shut out all the noise and just reflect on the goodness of your life and how you have been blessed so far with friends, family, work or just the gift of life. Take a few minutes to really reflect on these aspects of your life and a smile will surely surface. Once you feel the joy, it is a great time to put these joyous feeling into action by “Gratitude” giving. Pass on the baton of that joyous feeling by lending your time or giving help to someone who may just need a little pick me up. By passing on the baton of “Gratitude” giving you will ignite your very own Serotonin levels naturally, without medicating yourself with over the counter drugs or trendy diets or health supplements. Do this inner “Reflection” and “Gratitude” giving for 40 days and your sense of well-being will be renewed. No more singing the Winter Blues.
Here’s something that will ignite joy and gratitude to your day.