Giving Calm and Relaxation a New Name
Posted By : Date : tracy | 11-28-2018
In the past, our outlet to get chills and thrills were through reading books in the genre of romance, mystery, horror, action and adventure but with the revolutionary onset of technology a new rise of chills and thrills can be found that seem to have the opposite effect.   At first, it is quite odd when you are introduced to it. Some may say it is irritating and skin crawling. No doubt, after a few videos of this, some are drawn or even addicted to its effects and want more of…
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Becoming Pioneers in our relationship
Posted By : Date : tracy | 08-14-2018
The century old word “pioneer” is often associated with people who were faced with physical and mental hardship, leaving behind things they loved and cherish to explore and stake claim to uncharted lands.  The word “pioneer” today, still holds true to it’s century old connotation of making claim to something new and unknown, but we seldom want to experience what a pioneer has to endure but rather want to receive the reward only. The concept of being a “pioneer” in a relationship can bring a new perspective to couples today.…
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A Royal Wedding- Building a Legacy
Posted By : Date : admin | 05-16-2018
In light of the times of modern technology age and short lived weddings and marriages, it is always out of curiosity and a bit heart warming to see and watch another Royal Wedding take place.  We are so accustomed to weddings that are modern and focused on what we (the couple) want instead of sticking to plans that carry on a traditional approach that have long lasting effect to generations that will come afterwards.    This royal wedding between Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle will merge both modern concepts yet…
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The “Motherly Experience”
Posted By : Date : admin | 05-09-2018
We have all heard the phrase from online companies promoting their brand on Google, YouTube, and Yelp emphasizing how they provide the best “customer experience” when you do business with them.  The experience starts before you even click the checkout button, it begins when you see the brand’s advertisement or social media posts and then to the brands website, the ease of navigating and shopping, to customer service promptness and finally to the delivery of the goods.  This whole process is all packaged up and labeled the customer experience. If…
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