Posted By : Date : admin | 03-14-2016
Years back when planning a wedding was not so digital, I remember for my own wedding, the starting spot was heading to the nearest book store and getting a few Wedding Magazines and start flipping pages to get inspiration. I would put page markers on the things I would want and vendor I would like to contact. Now, our first place to go is our Computer and Google what we are looking for. Everything can be found in just a few seconds or minutes. Saves you lots of time and…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 07-28-2015
A Picture Perfect Wedding is all we can think about when we say the three letter word 'YES' after a wedding proposal. What color theme that best goes with your style, the wedding dress: should it be white, off white or leave the traditional and go Color. Researching your Venue, whether it be a quaint backyard Chic, Rustic Wedding or a Glamours Bling, Bling Wedding at a 5 star Hotel, your mind is drowned in wedding planning. After 1 year planning, budgeting, you have arrived on your Big Day. What if your…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 01-31-2014
Hello again everyone! Glad to be back again this week and talking about a very trendy topic for weddings: Eco Friendly or “Green” Weddings. In the past few years the idea of conservation of our environment has grown in popularity and it has now moved into the wedding industry and is on the cusp of hitting its full stride. Many couples express interest in having an environmentally friendly wedding, so I will be showing you some different ideas on how you can create an eco-friendly wedding. Weddings traditionally are filled with paper products of one time…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 11-25-2013
The wedding is a celebration of the vows that are exchanged at the altar. Yet time and time again, so much energy is expelled on decorating tables and the reception, the altar, the place where the magic happens is often overlooked or thrown together at the last minute. Understandably, some places have the altar set up already, so it’s easy to forget, under the assumption it’s already set. But your union is unique, so why speak those life changing vows in a generic old altar? Make it you! You’ll be…
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