Posted By : Date : admin | 06-06-2018
Have you ever felt like you have been walking in the dark in broad daylight? Has it happened just once or is it a constant occurrence? It is not fun, because you are constantly feeling like you are bumping into things and you think people and situations just keep getting in your path and they need to get out of your way. So we go through the day blaming others and situations for being in our way. In reality, if you are walking in complete darkness, of course you will…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 05-09-2018
We have all heard the phrase from online companies promoting their brand on Google, YouTube, and Yelp emphasizing how they provide the best “customer experience” when you do business with them. The experience starts before you even click the checkout button, it begins when you see the brand’s advertisement or social media posts and then to the brands website, the ease of navigating and shopping, to customer service promptness and finally to the delivery of the goods. This whole process is all packaged up and labeled the customer experience. If…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 04-11-2018
To have a lasting marriage and lasting career only requires adding one word to your daily routine “desire”. You may say these days this generation’s desire has increased 10 fold then previous generations. Look at all the stuff that has been accumulated and the need to want a better career, to want more equal opportunities, to want a better lifestyle. If you look closer there are two words that are used quite interchangeably, they are the words, “desire” and “want”. These two words at first hearing them, seem to…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 04-04-2018
Seeing with your heart and not your eyes is something we must practice over and over again. Let us take a look into the apple industry. It is interesting when you watch how apples are picked, cleaned and packed for selling to consumers. Every apple is harvested from the farm but only a few make it down the conveyor belt and into our grocery store. Only the unblemished ones are picked. This same process is replicated in every Industry. We never think much of what happens to the apples that…
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