Posted By : Date : tracy | 11-20-2019
Where one or more gather, life will flourish and give rise to communities. Our human nature is wired to have a natural urge to find common grounds among those we associate in our day to day interaction. The need to build communities is stronger than ever in our culture today. By bringing people of different backgrounds together and using groups as a vehicle to help and encourage one another gives a sense of cohesiveness and peace that can transcend to other aspects of our lives. Reaching the ultimate goal of…
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Posted By : Date : tracy | 07-02-2019
Follow my blog with Bloglovin A whole new world, is a fitting song to summarize what it is like to get married. With the new Aladdin movie just out in theaters 2 months ago, many newly engaged couples are looking to add a piece of the Magic Carpet Ride scene to their wedding. What is the allure of the Arabian Nights theme that has surpassed time and culture? The Arabian Nights' world become synonymous with an alternative reality; a place "packed with wonders, elastic in handling time and space, and…
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Posted By : Date : tracy | 04-03-2019
Just like the lyrics of the song made famous way back in 1965 by The Byrds titled “Turn, turn, turn”, it sings about how there is a time for everything. A time to be born, a time to die, a time to plant, and a time to uproot. Though this song hit national popularity well over 50 years ago, its’ lyrics still holds true in today’s time. If we take a look closer at the lyrics and its meaning, we can begin to understand and accept circumstances in our lives…
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Posted By : Date : tracy | 01-23-2019
There is something very attractive and alluring about being at the peak, or at the top of something. The air on top is limited, it is pure, fresh, and the view is spectacular. It is a view that is rarely seen by others. It’s a once in a lifetime experience we all would like to have. Some may fear being at the top, worried that the air is too thin and they will not survive, or fear of being the only one on top and no one to share it…
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