Posted By : Date : admin | 01-24-2018
Having ownership is a great feeling that is much commercialized today. Being able to own your own home, own your own car, own your own business and practically anything you can buy brings on this great ownership feeling that makes us excited and proud. We feel a sense of worth because of what we own that is attached to our name. What happens when we lose these things, then our sense of worth is also lost. Most of the world functions in this way and we are always in a…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 01-17-2018
As we approach the season after Christmas, a new tone is set on how the rest of the year will play out. With the crimson and gold colors of Christmas put away and stored in our garages, a new color tone emerges that brings forth Hope and Growth. The pantone color “Arcadia”, is a modern take on green with a hint of blue undertone. With the sense of Hope arising, we are more optimistic and confident that whatever we put our hearts into, it will be received well and nourished…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 09-01-2017
Fall is fast approaching and as we say goodbye to the end of Summer, we have one last chance to take a mini vacation before the cold winter season comes. Labor Day weekend is a perfect time to head out to the beaches, lounge at a pool or go locally to enjoy some family time while the weather is still warm. Get out your travel bags and pack light. Get a convertible bag that takes you from day outings to night time partying. [caption id="attachment_2604" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Embroidered…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 09-04-2015
Who would of thought of using two sticks as a form of utensils to pick up your food? For those not born of Asian descent, using chopsticks can be a struggle and down right a learning experience. Why would we even try to use one if we did not have to? Well, for one thing, if you like the Sushi scene or just love Chinese Takeouts or Chinese Restaurants you will definitely be exposed to chopsticks whether you like it or not. At sushi restaurants, you can either use your…
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