Posted By : Date : admin | 07-04-2018
Over the last decade, many changes have taken place that has affected how we develop close relationships with one another and how we keep those bonds strong. With the emergence of the internet and social media, we learn to make connections faster and become more responsive. In today’s world, we are constantly connected in some ways or another by our online virtual communities or our physical small group communities. Our circle of influence may seem quite large and expansive but as we take a deeper look inward within ourselves and…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 06-20-2018
Living a full and happy life requires an important rule that needs to be followed. It is learning to gain wisdom and letting it guide you in your decisions in life. Wisdom is not a dead word reserved for only “Sages” and highly intelligent people but it is attainable for ordinary people. You may think finding wisdom is fairly easy with the answers at the tip of your fingers. Just ask Google or Alexa and you’ve got your answer. Surprisingly we often mistaken knowledge for wisdom. These technological devices and…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 05-09-2018
We have all heard the phrase from online companies promoting their brand on Google, YouTube, and Yelp emphasizing how they provide the best “customer experience” when you do business with them. The experience starts before you even click the checkout button, it begins when you see the brand’s advertisement or social media posts and then to the brands website, the ease of navigating and shopping, to customer service promptness and finally to the delivery of the goods. This whole process is all packaged up and labeled the customer experience. If…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 04-04-2018
Seeing with your heart and not your eyes is something we must practice over and over again. Let us take a look into the apple industry. It is interesting when you watch how apples are picked, cleaned and packed for selling to consumers. Every apple is harvested from the farm but only a few make it down the conveyor belt and into our grocery store. Only the unblemished ones are picked. This same process is replicated in every Industry. We never think much of what happens to the apples that…
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