Posted By : Date : admin | 01-13-2018
Here’s to another chance to Pop the Bubbly after New Years. With the months of November through February, you could be the lucky couple that gets to pop the bubbly twice and say Yes! We are in full swing in Engagement Season and by checking your Facebook, Twitter, Snap chat and Instagram feeds you can see the different rings and proposals captured. The latest celebrity engagement went to Paris Hilton and Chris Zylka. Paris Hilton's 20 carat pear shaped engagement ring was the talk on social media. Like Paris Hilton, we…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 01-03-2018
Happy 2018! Last year was a year full of surprises in so many ways. Most of us are still recovering and trying to make sense of all the events. Sometimes trying to make sense of what cannot be explained can be frustrating. Life is full of surprises all the time and when things cannot be explained with human reasoning we just have to have Faith and let Faith do the explaining. With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season winding down, we can catch our breath and have a…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 09-01-2017
Fall is fast approaching and as we say goodbye to the end of Summer, we have one last chance to take a mini vacation before the cold winter season comes. Labor Day weekend is a perfect time to head out to the beaches, lounge at a pool or go locally to enjoy some family time while the weather is still warm. Get out your travel bags and pack light. Get a convertible bag that takes you from day outings to night time partying. [caption id="attachment_2604" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Embroidered…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 07-20-2017
The new roll out of wedding gowns always amazes us with the flurry of exquisite designs, accessories, and one of a kind silhouettes. Getting marry is so much more exciting when you know you get to try on one of these gowns. Just like a little girl, you always want to play dress up as the "Princess", strutting down the stairs with the long and eloquent dress. No matter what fashion trend is hitting the Fashion World, wedding gowns will always bring an allure to Bride's To Be. This Summer,…
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