Posted By : Date : admin | 01-10-2018
In this day and age we try so hard to simplify our lives by buying up time. Things change in a moments notice, yet we have made it more complicated by simplifying so much we misunderstand one another. With more time, we only give time to things that are not impactful. When things tend to be simple and made easy, we forget how to push and challenge ourselves to do better in communicating with one another, When we don’t stretch our character and abilities, we lose the will and purpose…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 01-03-2018
Happy 2018! Last year was a year full of surprises in so many ways. Most of us are still recovering and trying to make sense of all the events. Sometimes trying to make sense of what cannot be explained can be frustrating. Life is full of surprises all the time and when things cannot be explained with human reasoning we just have to have Faith and let Faith do the explaining. With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season winding down, we can catch our breath and have a…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 11-22-2017
With Thanksgiving just 1 day from today, we are often soul searching to find what we are thankful for. To some, Thanksgiving is a holiday to get together, watch football, and eat a feast and go shopping for the special deals in the store and online and nothing more. For those who want more of a deeper meaning to Thanksgiving, we have to begin with ourselves. To be thankful, you have to put yourself in a position to feel joy, happiness and contentment no matter what situation you are in.…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 09-13-2017
A gentle and quiet spirit is often time taken for granted. In a world that is so busy and full of noise, being loud, pushy and harsh takes center stage. The need to stand out and be heard is today’s motto. We as a society have forgotten what it means to be still and have a gentle and tenderness towards one another. This unforgiving and demanding character has rubbed off on us and has over flowed into our personal lives and the relationship we have with our family and spouse.…
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