Posted By : Date : admin | 07-18-2017
Love is Indispensable In the Wedding Industry, marriage and love is often looked at as all Unicorns and cotton candy, full of fluff and joy. The couple’s future depends on just the one magical day that they exchange their vows and say I do. In reality, love and marriage transcends over this one day of celebration. From this day forward, the word Love is transformed from merely physical and material to a more abstract kind of Love that is Indispensable in developing maturity in your relationship with one another…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 06-28-2017
What we "Believe" is what we "Become". A phrase we can all relate to, from what we eat, to what we read, to what we watch and who we interact with. Being selective and having self- control to only choose things that will help us think healthy and be healthy physically will increase our energy and stamina to say no and decline those urges that can lead you into an unhealthy pattern in your life. Being prepared and intentional is the first step to become healthier in mind, body, and…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 06-14-2017
Superheroes has been a big Media Marketing frenzy these days from the rise of the Avengers, Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, and now Wonder Woman. Why are we co captivated by these “superheroes”? Do we really feel like the world needs saving? The answer to this is a definite “Yes”. We all at times feel the need to be saved in all areas of our lives. Nothing stirs our core more than the battle of good and evil and the rise of one single group/individual that sacrifices so much for…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 04-19-2017
After a fun filled week of Easter Celebration, the wonders of Springtime can still be seen by the rainbow of colors in the flower beds seen throughout the community. Spring mindfulness doesn’t stop after Easter but still continues on. Mindfulness is the state of being aware and alert to the present moment. By being mindful to our bodies, our environment, and in our relationships, we can begin to feel a sense of connectedness in everything we do and are more open to the needs of others. During Spring, nature works…
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