Posted By : Date : tracy | 04-17-2019
With a historical structure such as the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, its beauty and splendor is hard to miss in either photos or in person. Through its French Gothic architectural design, its rich history of nobles, saints and leaders that have stepped inside the cathedral to its important role as a spiritual home to the French people and to all the millions of visitors who come annually to visit, this cathedral represents something that transcends time. This massive structure is the proud symbol of Paris. With the devastating fire on…
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Posted By : Date : tracy | 04-03-2019
Just like the lyrics of the song made famous way back in 1965 by The Byrds titled “Turn, turn, turn”, it sings about how there is a time for everything. A time to be born, a time to die, a time to plant, and a time to uproot. Though this song hit national popularity well over 50 years ago, its’ lyrics still holds true in today’s time. If we take a look closer at the lyrics and its meaning, we can begin to understand and accept circumstances in our lives…
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Posted By : Date : tracy | 03-20-2019
If you are resident of California, Spring has brought about some April showers in May but thanks to those rain falls in the past weeks, it brings host to a surge of wildflowers blooming in the hills of Lake Elsinore in Riverside County. This Super bloom is the first sign that Spring is here and is also the arrival of the March equinox on March 20th, both the length of day and night are the same (www.almanac.com). Along with these two events, many Americans are preparing for Easter with fasting…
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Posted By : Date : tracy | 03-13-2019
The Winter Blues may be hitting many of us these last few months. You may be feeling under the weather, lethargic, tired and maybe downright lazy at times and not very social. What is behind this Winter Blues that most of us experience right after the holidays and in the beginning of the year and how to combat it head on. When the season changes, it is colder outside and there is less sunlight exposure throughout the day, we may experience some form of loss of motivation and have noticed…
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