Posted By : Date : admin | 01-17-2018
As we approach the season after Christmas, a new tone is set on how the rest of the year will play out. With the crimson and gold colors of Christmas put away and stored in our garages, a new color tone emerges that brings forth Hope and Growth. The pantone color “Arcadia”, is a modern take on green with a hint of blue undertone. With the sense of Hope arising, we are more optimistic and confident that whatever we put our hearts into, it will be received well and nourished…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 01-13-2018
Here’s to another chance to Pop the Bubbly after New Years. With the months of November through February, you could be the lucky couple that gets to pop the bubbly twice and say Yes! We are in full swing in Engagement Season and by checking your Facebook, Twitter, Snap chat and Instagram feeds you can see the different rings and proposals captured. The latest celebrity engagement went to Paris Hilton and Chris Zylka. Paris Hilton's 20 carat pear shaped engagement ring was the talk on social media. Like Paris Hilton, we…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 01-03-2018
Happy 2018! Last year was a year full of surprises in so many ways. Most of us are still recovering and trying to make sense of all the events. Sometimes trying to make sense of what cannot be explained can be frustrating. Life is full of surprises all the time and when things cannot be explained with human reasoning we just have to have Faith and let Faith do the explaining. With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season winding down, we can catch our breath and have a…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 11-22-2017
With Thanksgiving just 1 day from today, we are often soul searching to find what we are thankful for. To some, Thanksgiving is a holiday to get together, watch football, and eat a feast and go shopping for the special deals in the store and online and nothing more. For those who want more of a deeper meaning to Thanksgiving, we have to begin with ourselves. To be thankful, you have to put yourself in a position to feel joy, happiness and contentment no matter what situation you are in.…
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