Posted By : Date : tracy | 03-25-2020
Our mental strength has been tested quite a bit these last few years, and now with the COVID-19 pandemic, our mental strength, along with our physical strength, is stretched thin and put to the test. Living in a world where we can calculate and predict every aspect of our daily lives, we are at a loss right now because we are no longer able to predict and calculate this virus with accuracy. What then will our minds do to compensate this discrepancy in relinquishing us from the data-driven mindset we…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 01-29-2020
With the new decade ushered in a few weeks ago, we look back on a decade of wellness fads and trends that have come and gone. What will this new decade bring to restore our wellness that will truly stick and not be tossed out like yesterday’s bathwater? First, we must start by getting back to basics. The 3 letter acronym that is so essential that is never outdated. It is the basic elements of H20, water. Its property is very basic yet, it is the building block to so…
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Posted By : Date : tracy | 11-20-2019
Where one or more gather, life will flourish and give rise to communities. Our human nature is wired to have a natural urge to find common grounds among those we associate in our day to day interaction. The need to build communities is stronger than ever in our culture today. By bringing people of different backgrounds together and using groups as a vehicle to help and encourage one another gives a sense of cohesiveness and peace that can transcend to other aspects of our lives. Reaching the ultimate goal of…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 11-13-2019
Where one or more gather, life will flourish and give rise to communities. Our human nature is wired to have a natural urge to find common grounds among those we associate in our day to day interaction. The need to build communities is stronger than ever in our culture today. By bringing people of different backgrounds together and using groups as a vehicle to help and encourage one another gives a sense of cohesiveness and peace that can transcend to other aspects of our lives. Reaching the ultimate goal of…
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