Posted By : Date : tracy | 08-01-2018
As we sit relaxing inside one of our usual coffee shop in the late afternoon, trying to get out of the summer heat to enjoy the cool air conditioned air, we routinely have our lattes and laptop ready to do some work. What was unnoticeable at first is very apparent when you really start to look around the the coffee shop. To the right you can see a few single individuals who all have earphones plugged in their ears and are tuned out of their surrounding, yet to the left…
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Posted By : Date : tracy | 07-18-2018
What you see is what you get. In today’s lingo, we term it “transparency”, especially in the digital space, this term is valued highly. Being transparent does have its benefits such as knowing what you are getting at face value, but this face value can also trap us from getting the full benefit of what a person can offer. Just like good wine, the taste becomes more complex, denser and full of depth when it is aged for a specific time and paired with specific food. If we were just…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 07-04-2018
Over the last decade, many changes have taken place that has affected how we develop close relationships with one another and how we keep those bonds strong. With the emergence of the internet and social media, we learn to make connections faster and become more responsive. In today’s world, we are constantly connected in some ways or another by our online virtual communities or our physical small group communities. Our circle of influence may seem quite large and expansive but as we take a deeper look inward within ourselves and…
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Posted By : Date : tracy | 06-27-2018
How is your stress level this morning? You might be the lucky one if you already had your morning cup of coffee before you read this article and your stress level is probably tamed and under control. For the rest of you, hold tight, there is hope coming at the end of this article. Productivity is in high demand these days, no matter what job, or career you have. With the environment filled with chatter, noise, and unwanted updates on anything and everything (updates on family and friends, updates on…
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