Posted By : Date : admin | 09-13-2017
A gentle and quiet spirit is often time taken for granted. In a world that is so busy and full of noise, being loud, pushy and harsh takes center stage. The need to stand out and be heard is today’s motto. We as a society have forgotten what it means to be still and have a gentle and tenderness towards one another. This unforgiving and demanding character has rubbed off on us and has over flowed into our personal lives and the relationship we have with our family and spouse.…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 09-01-2017
Fall is fast approaching and as we say goodbye to the end of Summer, we have one last chance to take a mini vacation before the cold winter season comes. Labor Day weekend is a perfect time to head out to the beaches, lounge at a pool or go locally to enjoy some family time while the weather is still warm. Get out your travel bags and pack light. Get a convertible bag that takes you from day outings to night time partying. [caption id="attachment_2604" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Embroidered…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 08-30-2017
A simple concept of just finding joy and being happy is a long- time struggle that people have faced for centuries. No matter how much technology has evolved to make life more simple and easier, we manage to still accumulate stress and have a hard time thinking outside of the circumstance we are in. If this condition seems to be inevitable, how then can we find joy in the midst of heartaches we face in our lives? We are not searching for joy as we may think but searching for…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 07-26-2017
Wellness Wednesday| Be Prepared for something “Bigger” Having a seal of approval these days means so much, it’s worth, is as great as winning the lottery. The need for approval starts at childhood from your parents and extends into adult years with your relationships with friends, spouse, co-workers, boss, and even from total strangers. Your worth is so much based on the approval of others that it can dictate your life choices and prevent you from reaching your true potential. In Social Media, you get approval from the amount…
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