Posted By : Date : tracy | 01-30-2019
Going natural is always a good start to getting well and fit. How can you make life sweeter and feel great at the same time? Who would of guess that an insect such as the bee can be the key to making the flowers bloom brightly, producing honey to add sweetness to our food and giving us healing properties to nourish our bodies. All this goodness is packed inside a small little creature that we sometimes shoo away and run from if we encounter one. Knowing their great potential and…
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Posted By : Date : tracy | 01-23-2019
There is something very attractive and alluring about being at the peak, or at the top of something. The air on top is limited, it is pure, fresh, and the view is spectacular. It is a view that is rarely seen by others. It’s a once in a lifetime experience we all would like to have. Some may fear being at the top, worried that the air is too thin and they will not survive, or fear of being the only one on top and no one to share it…
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Posted By : Date : tracy | 01-09-2019
Here we are again, we find ourselves in a new year, full of possibilities and hope. It is starting off with a new slate some may say but another way of looking at it is restoring ourselves through mind, body, and spirit. Like an old house that has been around for many years and decades, our mind and body has been a part of who we are for many years and decades also. Rather than cleaning house and tearing down everything old to make room for the new, you would…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 10-24-2018
Let’s face it, we can’t be home all the time. Whether you have to go out of town for a friend’s wedding, or you’re finally crossing off that trip to Europe from your bucket list, everybody travels once in a while. Traveling can be stressful for a lot of people, some more than others. If you’re one of them, here are some of our tips to reduce stress while you’re traveling. [caption id="attachment_2995" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Sources: Pixabay[/caption] Before you leave Preparing for travel can be taxing, and you don’t want…
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