Posted By : Date : tracy | 09-04-2019
Are marriages disappearing like the old brick and mortar retail stores that are being replaced by the efficiency and convenience of online shopping? Commitment and love are not immune to this social dilemma and are getting replaced with contentment and cohabitation. Getting married is frowned on as being a waste of money and too much hassle. To the older generation, marriage is sacred and beautiful. Some say that the younger generation may not appreciate marriage and the sanctification of marriage, therefore why get married? Marriage is culturally and religiously viewed…
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Posted By : Date : tracy | 07-02-2019
Follow my blog with Bloglovin A whole new world, is a fitting song to summarize what it is like to get married. With the new Aladdin movie just out in theaters 2 months ago, many newly engaged couples are looking to add a piece of the Magic Carpet Ride scene to their wedding. What is the allure of the Arabian Nights theme that has surpassed time and culture? The Arabian Nights' world become synonymous with an alternative reality; a place "packed with wonders, elastic in handling time and space, and…
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Posted By : Date : tracy | 01-23-2019
There is something very attractive and alluring about being at the peak, or at the top of something. The air on top is limited, it is pure, fresh, and the view is spectacular. It is a view that is rarely seen by others. It’s a once in a lifetime experience we all would like to have. Some may fear being at the top, worried that the air is too thin and they will not survive, or fear of being the only one on top and no one to share it…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 10-17-2018
With the holidays quickly approaching, engagement season is right around the corner! Whether you’re in the middle of planning your special day or you think your partner may be poppin’ the question soon, your engagement photos are one of the first steps in planning your wedding. From what to where to choosing a perfect location, check out these five helpful tips for beautiful engagement photos that will last a lifetime! Wear something that you’re comfortable in While this may seem obvious, it’s the most important thing when it comes to…
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