Posted By : Date : admin | 07-14-2016
After a heavy and greasy meal, I have always heat up some water and simmer up a cup of Jasmine Green Tea to help with the fat digestion. It is still my favorite type of tea after any meal but these Asian tea often found in Asian Grocery stores are considered teas for the older generation, now the younger Tech Savvy generation demands a more sophisticated taste than simply helping in digestion, they want it to create a after note in our taste buds and give us a sense of well being.…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 08-21-2015
A Bit of History of the "Corset" [caption id="attachment_1957" align="aligncenter" width="335"] Old Century Corset[/caption] The "corset" has existed as far back as the early 16th and 17th century as an essential article of clothing used to shape the torso, support the back and support the bust. They were tight and rigid and probably women back in those centuries did not do much labor. The Italians developed this little piece of undergarment and was introduced by Catherine Medici into France in the 1500s. The corset was mainly worn as an undergarment that over…
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