
Vintage Love Keys Typewriter Holder*

Vintage Love Keys Typewriter Holder*

Regular Price: $5.99

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Include short phrase, word(s), or the bride and groom's name. If your item allows more than 1 line, you can continue on another line to separate personalization. Personalization will be centered for most items and adjusted to best fit.

Logo Personalization
If you wish to personalize your company logo, type "Logo" in the text box and email your company logo to [email protected]. Fees may apply for company logo setup.

Chris & Amy (Line 1)
11-21-2040 (Line 2)


I Love You!

Special instructions for monogram:
Letter ordering for monogram.

Monogram Standard Font:
Please type in the initials: (First Middle Last) John M. Smith = JMS

For Monogram Fancy Font:
Please type in the initials: (First Last Middle) John M. Smith =  JSM (The "Last" initial will be enlarged)


Product Features:

  • Vintage Love Keys Typewriter Holder
  • Size: 1.75"W x 1.1" H

What better way to show a love of words, than with the vintage love keys typewriter card holder. A beautifully crafted and designed little replica, this tiny typewriter can hold a place card that can say just about anything you want, making it a rather versatile piece in party decorating arrangements.

Use the tiny typewriters to indicate seat settings throughout the space. You can even attach another card so your guest can write wishes or advise for a couple getting married, in the case of a wedding party.

This is also the perfect place setting for a writers club or a book club. If you truly love the written word then why not say it decoratively, by placing these throughout the space with famous quotes from some of the greatest authors in history. This means that the tiny typewriters can be used as favors, or merely as a special decoration to indicate that the book lovers are on their way.

If you desire, you can also have us send you one of four optional cards, decorated in gilded print, with the words "the key to my heart", "the truest type of love", "love is the key", and "page one" depending on the type of mood you want to set.

Steal this great IDEA!
Achieve three things with one charming typewriter holder: Create a display with the small typewriters. Add names and table numbers to the top of each card with double sided tape. Design a sign that asks guests to take the small favor item to their table and write a few words of advice for the Bride and Groom on the back of the card. Add a container such as a vase to your centerpieces. Attach a note that instructs guests to leave their wishes in the vase and to take the small typewriter home as a token of appreciation!

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