
White Floral Custom Printed Table Runner

White Floral Custom Printed Table Runner

Regular Price: $259.95

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Include short phrase, word(s), or the bride and groom's name. If your item allows more than 1 line, you can continue on another line to separate personalization. Personalization will be centered for most items and adjusted to best fit.

Logo Personalization
If you wish to personalize your company logo, type "Logo" in the text box and email your company logo to [email protected]. Fees may apply for company logo setup.

Chris & Amy (Line 1)
11-21-2040 (Line 2)


I Love You!

Special instructions for monogram:
Letter ordering for monogram.

Monogram Standard Font:
Please type in the initials: (First Middle Last) John M. Smith = JMS

For Monogram Fancy Font:
Please type in the initials: (First Last Middle) John M. Smith =  JSM (The "Last" initial will be enlarged)

Color Options

Colors may vary slightly.

*General Color Chart

Product Features:

Bring the beautiful green garden to every table on your wedding day with our White Floral Custom Printed Table Runner. This amazing runner features a lovely white flower blossom on a spring green background. Choose either a short message or print the name of the bride and groom and have it come to full bloom in the center of the flower. The White floral Custom Printed Table Runner looks wonderful on every table at your event, from the head table to the buffet tables. Choose from small or large to ensure a great fit with our White Floral Custom Printed Table Runner.

Put some spring in the air with our White Floral Custom Printed Table Runner. Place one on your head table and decorate the rest of your reception hall to match the lovely light green of the runner.

The White Floral Custom Printed Table Runner is the perfect addition to any event. Have one designed for a bridal shower, a bachelorette party, or even an anniversary. Celebrate a milestone birthday with a personally designed White Floral Custom Printed Table Runner. Organizations, book clubs, and other groups can add a touch of class at their next meeting with our White Floral Custom Printed Table Runner.

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